Hello OpenGL

Creating Window

To setup our OpenGL to work, we’ll need to create a window. Every OpenGL program should have main loop (So that OpenGL rendering occurs). So, after creating our window, we’ll add a main loop.

_TITLE "Learning OpenGL" 'giving title to your window
SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(600, 600, 32) 'creating a window of 600x600

'This is our main loop
    _LIMIT 40 'Adding this will prevent high cpu usage.

This is will produce the following result -

OpenGL First Window Created

It's a good idea to add frame limit by using _LIMIT to prevent high cpu usage.

Adding OpenGL Subroutine

To use OpenGL keywords and other commands, we need to add a subroutine named _GL. QB64 automatically detects this special subroutine and allows us to use OpenGL commands in it.

_TITLE "Learning OpenGL" 'giving title to your window
SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(600, 600, 32) 'creating a window of 600x600

'This is our main loop
    _LIMIT 40 'Adding this will prevent high cpu usage.

SUB _GL ()
    'Here we'll put our OpenGL commands!

That’s it. It will currently not affect our output with previous one.


Now, we have to tell OpenGL the size of rendering window. We’ll use glViewPort() for this. The syntax for this is glViewPort(x, y, width, height). Where

_TITLE "Learning OpenGL" 'giving title to your window
SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(600, 600, 32) 'creating a window of 600x600

'This is our main loop
    _LIMIT 40 'Adding this will prevent high cpu usage.

SUB _GL ()
    'Here we'll put our OpenGL commands!
    _glViewPort 0, 0, _WIDTH, _HEIGHT 'here _WIDTH() and _HEIGHT() gives the width and height of our window.

Coloring the background (OpenGL CLS)

Currently, This window is boring to see. Let’s do some fancy by adding some OpenGL commands. We’ll be changing the color of the background by using glClear(). The syntax for it is as follows - glClear( mask )

You can also set the color value that OpenGL will use for clearing the color buffer by glClearColor(). The syntax for this is glClearColor(redValue, greenValue, blueValue, alphaValue). redValue, greenValue, blueValue and alphaValue are just red, green, blue and alpha component of a color, just like we have with _RGBA(). They all should be between 0-1.

The value of red, green, blue and alpha in glClearColor should be between 0-1, just like we 0-255 for _RGB() and _RGBA(). For example, _RGBA(255, 255, 0, 255) and _glClearColor 1, 1, 0, 1 both refers to color yellow.

Now, we’ll use these two OpenGL commands in our previous code

_TITLE "Learning OpenGL" 'giving title to your window
SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(600, 600, 32) 'creating a window of 600x600

'This is our main loop
    _LIMIT 40 'Adding this will prevent high cpu usage.

SUB _GL ()
    'Here we'll put our OpenGL commands!
    _glViewPort 0, 0, _WIDTH, _HEIGHT 'here _WIDTH() and _HEIGHT() gives the width and height of our window.
    _glClearColor 1, 0.5, 0, 1

This will produce the following output -

Yellow colored window with glClear()

Keywords you have learned about


That’s all in this section. Before continuing to next section, I recommend you to go throught the exercises & solve them.

  1. Try to change the background color to purple. Solution
  2. Try to fade the background color between black and green. Solution